16 Best Websites to Find Lyrics of your Favorite Songs 

Favorite Songs 
Favorite Songs 

If you’re the one who’s not getting Miley Cyrus and other singers song lyrics and moving to the web just to check and make sure that you’ve got them right, then we highly recommend you must check below article as today we intend to share with you some of the best websites for Finding Music Lyrics

Suppose you are in Linkin Park concert and fortunately you’re in the front row! And Chester started “Burn it Down” and crowd sneak up with full enthusiasm. Everyone is enjoying music and singing with whole band but when it comes time for the chorus. Chester put the mic out for the crowd to join in and fortunately in front of your face and you failed the sing the right chorus Booomm! And your this activity lets the crowd dies and band stop playing suddenly and in the end you realize that you’re wrong lyrics killed the whole concert.

Don’t be sad it’s just a scene create to show you that what can happen if you don’t know the exact lyrics of the song you listen. But to protect yourself from this condition in the future I scanned the web to check out a solution for this. And guess what I got some good website for finding lyrics to your favorite songs.

Below is the list of 10 best sites for finding the lyrics of your song. Lets we start with :

1. MetroLyrics

MetroLyrics is the most popular lyrics website worldwide, also know for biggest database for legal lyrics in the world with more than 700,00 titles. The website has a very awesome and clean design which made reading lyrics very easy. Also you can share your favorite song lyrics with your friend using social share feature.

2. Lyrics

Lyrics.com is another amazing music community with the largest searchable lyricsdatabase. After Metrolyrics I give preference to this website and the reason is again very clear interface with amazing song suggestion feature. The website is featuring three categories top songs, tops album and genre. You can also search for song by country filter option, and also submit your lyrics just by going through a simple registration process.

3. AZLyrics

AZLyrics  is another amazing website for searching song lyrics, in which collection organized by artists alphabetically. Search engine included lyrics sorted by album, discography, pictures, videos, songs  and concerts. One of the largest lyrics database with more than 300000 lyrics from 7000 artists. You can also submit/correct lyrics and more.

4. Stlyrics

If you find songs text, lyric, video, best mp3 downloads, ringtones, for any movie, motion picture, film, Disney cartoon, TV series, musical, video game, score, ost. Then Styrics is a nice place to search lyrics for these types of songs. You can browse them by soundtrack title or search by any title. Here you can

  • Browse lyrics by soundtrack
  • Browse lyrics by artist name
  • Best soundtrack lyrics of all times
  • Top 5 videos lyrics
  • Popular lyrics

Now all these features make this website a free original soundtrack song lyrics source.

5. Lyrics Planet

Lyrics Planet site which contains lyrics to all types of music. Like other website you can also search and submit  lyrics. This planet for lyrics  features lyrics of Top 10 Billboard Songs on the front page of the website, with a list of the best websites providing the lyrics of your favorite song.

6. LyricsMode.com

LyricsMode is a comprehensive online music resource which is providing text lyrics for music compositions. At the current moment this website has more than 700,000 lyrics for more than 30,000 artists and this amount grows day-by-day.

7. LetsSingIt

Letssingit is another amazing music community where you can find music related information like song lyrics, album tracklists, artist news, biographies and pictures. Content is updated by the minute and it should keep any music lover entertained. Beside this it also provides a list of most popular songs, artist news and more

8. 1Songlyrics

1Songlyrics is another amazing source for all your song lyrics needs. This website is normal music lyrics website like other lyrics community who songs lyrics database updated song lyrics, but you can visit to grab some lyrics.

9. Seekalyric

SeekaLyric.com is your source for free song lyrics where you can search lyrics for every type of music. The Website featuring different categories last added, most popular, lyrics archive, Euro top10, UK top20, US top20, world top20, free MP3 and  song Lyrics. It also shows the name at the top which are updated.

10. Lyrics4all

Lyrics4 all is another good website where bunch of new lyrics were added daily. You can browse our lyrics archive by the red bar on the top of the page.

11. LyricsTop

Another good hub where you can found up-to-date song lyrics. Like other website you can search lyrics and add/correct lyrics.

12. LyricsFire

Lyrics database sorted by artist alphabetically with advanced search functions. You might love to visit this website to look for song lyrics which is very easy to navigate.

13. ELyrics

Elyrics is one of the  largest song lyrics destination on the net, providing access to more than 500,000 lyrics from around 30,000 artists/bands. You can also visit this website to grab some music lyrics.

14. SongLyrics

SongLyrics is another amazing website to search any song lyrics in all categories at the same time. This is also a good website to search music lyrics

15. Bestlyrics

This is the last website which I feel to be the best website to search song lyrics. Here you will get the huge song lyrics collection. The best lyrics website database contains 220138 Song Lyrics from 17012 Artists and growing daily.

16. Rap Genius

Another cool website which is dedicated to the annotation and interpretation of lyrics, primary source documents, poetry, and other forms of text.

Do you use a site that has not been mentioned in this article? Do you think above picks for the best sites to find song lyrics are completely wrong? Let us hear about it in the comments.