Jenny Fisher is a well-known fitness influencer and entrepreneur who has inspired thousands of people through her online community (@fitfishmom) by sharing empowering messages of body positivity and strength. She works as a medical territory sales manager, is a mom of two sons, Roman and Cannon.
She is an amazing woman, wife, mom, fitness enthusiast & trainer. Check out Women Fitness President, Ms. Namita Nayyar in a candid interview with Ms. Jenny Fisher on her life, diet & fitness routine.
Namita Nayyar:
Popularly known as Jenny aka fitfishmom, you extend amazing content via social media (@fitfishmom) to empower women on body positivity and strength. Share your journey as a “boss mom” & fitness influencer?
Jenny Fisher :
My evolution from being an unknown fitness lover to becoming an “influencer” and online trainer was organic, but quick! I began vlogging 15 minute at-home, no equipment workouts for my personal mom friends to access; about 3 months later, I had over 1,000 followers and a lot of support from so many women I had never met. 3 years later, I now coach thousands of women through my Get Salty App, YouTube, and Instagram. I still work a 9-5 medical sales job and keep my family as my priority, but just like most women, I am extremely adaptable and know how to balance and get things done. So, as overwhelming as my life may seem from the outside looking in, I’m maintaining my passion projects and thriving!
Namita Nayyar:
As indicated in one of your interviews “You practiced mixed martial arts (MMA) for 5 years” Share your daily fitness routine? 5 exercises that are an absolute must according to you for every woman irrespective of age.
Jenny Fisher :
My favorite training sessions, which are implemented in my Get Salty by Jenny Fisher App, incorporates heavy lifting combined with high-intensity, athletic movements, followed up by low-impact, mobility movements. My brand of fitness is extremely functional aimed at getting stronger, more agile, and improving balance and flexibility to maintain your athlete. I don’t believe there are 5 must-have exercises, but I do believe there are 6 must-have elements to everyone’s routine: strength building, agility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, balance, and flexibility. By incorporating each of these into a week of fitness, you’ll hit your goals and be able to better avoid injury.
Namita Nayyar:
You are a mom of two Roman (age 7) and Cannon (age 4), share your fitness routine before and during pregnancy?
Jenny Fisher :
Before each of my pregnancies, I lifted heavy and incorporated a lot of HITT and long-distance running. Because of my level of fitness before I became pregnant, my doctor advised to maintain my level of fitness and modify as movements become uncomfortable. I was able to continue heavy lifting and my HIIT movements such as hang cleans, pull-ups, and tuck-jump burpees until my 9th month of pregnancy. For both pregnancies, around month 5, it became very uncomfortable to run, so I listened to my body and modified to long walks. During my 2nd pregnancy, I was attending a lot of hip-hop fitness classes and really enjoyed that outlet!
Namita Nayyar:
Share a detailed account of caloric moderation and athletic movement that were the key to your fit body after having children. What type of a diet routine did you follow to boost your metabolism and also how did you go about burning those calories?
Jenny Fisher :
I don’t subscribe to a restrictive diet; I believe in eating intuitively. My diet does have a natural pattern, however. I keep my portions at a small, appropriate size, I eat 80-90% plant-based, and I keep my caloric intake at a deficit Sunday-Thursday and eat completely unrestricted, but respectfully on the weekends. I believe that the more I can build a strong gut microbiome (bacterial population) by feeding it a diversity of fiber from fruits, veggies, and legumes, the faster my metabolism will be, not to mention all the other health benefits that come from my strong gut health.
Namita Nayyar:
What’s your definition of functional fitness? 5 tips to incorporate it into our lifestyle.
Jenny Fisher :
My definition of functional fitness is movement that mimics real life. Throughout our day, we don’t do many isolated movements, we are moving and twisting our bodies through many planes. By incorporating these dynamic movements, we strengthen our bodies in a way that can stand up to daily living. 5 tips to incorporate functional fitness: Use twisting movements; Change your levels (sitting to standing, jumping, laying to sitting); Work on unilateral movements (using one side of your body at a time); Incorporate explosive movements (jumps and plyometrics); Get athletic (use agility, balance, and flexibility throughout).
Namita Nayyar:
Women often constantly hold the fear of getting too bulky with weight training, can you break the myth held so close to heart?
Jenny Fisher :
Weights are an essential part of overall fitness; heavy weights are what are helpful in building a strong foundation with tone and femininity. Appearing “bulky” can occur due to fat accumulation, not muscles. What they may fear is building more mass on to an already thicker frame than they prefer. What I would urge a woman to consider: when building muscle, you are typically decreasing bodyfat from the calorie burn and favorable hormonal balance that can be achieved through fitness. Lifting heavy weights is not the element that creates bulk, so as you are lifting, avoid increasing your caloric consumption above maintenance and understand that a weight-gain/mass-gain may occur initially as you begin a new lifting program; stick with the plan, this is temporary.
Namita Nayyar:
You have a flawless beautiful skin. Secret behind the same? Share your daily skin & hair care routine?
Jenny Fisher :
As I’ve gotten older, I have adopted a more regimented skin care routine, but it’s still very manageable for me. I always wash my face in the morning and at night. I apply moisturizer every morning under my make-up with an eye cream. I wear full-coverage make-up every day, just about! At night, I apply tretinoin cream from my dermatologist (because my adult acne and melasma needs to stay in check!), I then later apply Estee Lauder Night Serum, a night moisturizer, and a night eye cream. My non-negotiables: clean skin and moisturizers morning and night!
Namita Nayyar:
How do you go about incorporating healthy eating habits & lifestyle in your kids? Sports you love to get involved with family.
Jenny Fisher :
My children know that the one thing on their plate that is a “must eat” is their vegetables. They need to eat until they feel satisfied, otherwise. I educate them on why diversity in their plant-based foods is so helpful to helping their bodies operate. I explain it as if they are feeding their health soldiers located in their gut; by feeding them plants, their soldiers can handle illness, stress, thinking, pooping, and building their bodies in the best way possible!
As far as sports/activities, they are able to choose the sporting activities that seem interesting to them. My oldest is really into Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Flag
Football, while the youngest is into Yoga and Soccer. As a family, we make movement a normal, expected element to quality time. We all surf together, skateboard, bike, play with the dog, play soccer together…anything goes!
Namita Nayyar:
As we near Mother’s Day, Your message for all the mothers out there & your fans/followers? Your idea of celebrating Mother’s Day?
Jenny Fisher :
I am always in complete awe of mothers. When I stop and think about myself and the responsibilities on my shoulders, I’m overwhelmed, but when I don’t think about them individually, it’s just what I do. I think the same goes for every working mother, single mother, stay-at-home mother, etc. We do so much hour-by-hour to not just maintain our families, but to fulfill them; it is humbling to stop and appreciate how many of us are out there keeping our heads down and just hustling for those around us. My message to the moms out there, continue your hustle, because I know how fulfilling that is, but demand respect and ask for help from those around you. We quietly manage the lives around us without complaint, but it’s okay to delegate as you manage. The best bosses do!
On Mother’s Day, my husband and boys make me Challah French Toast, fruit, and coffee; they shower me with the sweetest cards and kisses; and a wonderful church sermon followed by a glorious nap and family bike ride rounds out the day!
Namita Nayyar:
What kind of feedback do you receive on social media? Share an experience that left you spell-bound?
Jenny Fisher :
I have the best interactions with my friends on social media. I have women, constantly reach out that tell me stories of cancer, death, divorce, job loss, weight gain, etc, etc, etc. These stories stop me in my tracks, and these take me a minute to respond because of the humility that I’m slapped by…who am I for this beautiful soul to trust me with this information and ask for my support or inspiration. I’m thankful that I’ve created this safe space, and I take it extremely seriously to honor these individuals and treat their stories uniquely and with total respect.
The interactions that have been the biggest mindblowers are when women that I went to high-school or middle school with reach out and let me know how much of a positive impact I am having on them today. When I look back at my teenage years, I see an insecure, big-mouthed, egotistical, small-minded young girl that made a lot of errors in her inter-personal relationships. To have the validation that these women are viewing me as a person that has grown past that and evolved into someone that is worth following, and even further, taking the time to encourage and support my message is numbing. I’m actually in tears as I type this just thinking about it.
Namita Nayyar:
5 healthy recipes you & your family absolutely enjoy.
Jenny Fisher :
- Sliced Roasted Brussels Sprouts topped with parmesan cheese and crumbled bacon.
- Roasted Carrots or Butternut Squash topped with maple syrup and Dijon mustard.
- Roasted Beets in vinegar/honey topped with goat cheese and pecans served on a bed of arugula and sliced pears.
- Buddha Bowl: farro or brown rice topped with any roasted veggies, greens, beans, and a great vinegar-based dressing of your choice!
- Baked Chicken Breast glazed with hoisin/ponzu/ginger sauce, on a bed of stir-fried veggies (carrots, asparagus, corn, mushrooms, onions, etc.) and brown rice.
Namita Nayyar:
Favorite quote you live by, or piece of advice?
Jenny Fisher :
“Give it to God.” If you try to carry your burdens all by yourself, you will be buried by the stress of life. Give your worries to the One that can handle it and concentrate on taking actions necessary to move on.