Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy


About Them: Day in and day out Dr. Eddie found himself tired of recommending adult dandruff shampoos (as recommended in the pediatric literature) to fix the red, and scaly condition on very young children’s scalps known as seborrheic dermatitis. These shampoo’s work to address the issue but they were designed for the skin of an adult and many times have strong fragrances that are not suited to dry, irritated skin.Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy offers 2 products on their site. The shampoo and then the body wash. You can find them to purchase on Amazon for $12.99 for the shampoo, and the body wash is out of stock right now.

They sent us 2 of the Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy Medicated Shampoo for test out. This product is FDA approved active ingredient, Pyrithione Zinc, for the relief of scalp and skin redness, flaking, scaling and itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis. This helps for babies, toddlers, and kids with the cradle cap. My son used to get it bad as a little kid, but went away when he got older. So we just used this as a regular shampoo for the boys and made their hair soft, shiny, and smooth throughout the day. This stuff smells good, it’s pretty thick so it lasts a long time. We still haven’t broken into the second bottle yet, even though we use it every night. This shampoo is great for what it is for, or to just use as shampoo and help prevent it from happening the following days.

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