Anime is growing right now, due to the number of innovative and visually attractive animated shows accessible on the market. For example, the film “Demon Slayer” has already smashed a handful of box office records, while the television series “Jujutsu Kaisen” has arguably become a must-watch series due to its combination of traditional shonen action and the supernatural. We’d be remiss, though, if we didn’t include “Fire Force,” whose distinctive take on a squad of firemen and the notion of spontaneous combustion has contributed to the series’ well-deserved rise to prominence.
‘Soul Eater’ creator Atsushi Kubo created the manga that inspired the series. It is about Shinra Kusakabe, a third-generation pyrokinetic who is capable of igniting his feet with fire. After joining forces with another unit of pyrokinetic known as Special Fire Force Company 8, Shinra goes on a mission to deal with Infernals, who are individuals who have been changed into living flames by spontaneous combustion.
The second season of “Fire Force” concluded in December 2020, and the program quickly rose to become one of the top five most-watched anime television series on Amazon Prime Japan (Via Anime News Network). Fans have obviously expressed their want for a third season of the successful series, so here is all we know about Season 3 of “Fire Force.”
Renewable Status Of Fire Force Season 3:
According to the show’s producers, there is presently no official word on whether or not Fire Force Season 3 will take place. However, there is sufficient material for a third season. Nine out of the twenty-nine volumes have not yet been opened. This instills hope for the next season. In addition, IMDB gives Fire Force a 7.7 rating for both seasons. The program has received a 7.75 out of 10 public ratings on My Anime List. As a result, the decision to launch a new season will not be a tough one for the producers.
For the time being, the only evidence we have is the cliffhanger from the previous season. When a story isn’t done, the designers opt to postpone the project for another season. Furthermore, the first two seasons had a positive review. For the time being, fans can only wait for official announcements. The producers will soon be persuaded to announce the start of a new season due to the overwhelming demand.
Release Date Of Fire Force Season 3:
Season 3 of “Fire Force” has not been given an official release date or confirmation. However, given the show’s success and the manga’s considerable sales, there is reason to suppose that another season of the series is in development and that an announcement could come soon. By late April, the manga had surpassed 15 million copies, according to the Official “Fire Force” Anime Twitter. With that much revenue, it’s evident that the show is popular enough to deserve a second season.
Atsushi Kubo has stated that the manga would conclude shortly, which may cause the development of another anime season to be delayed. Okubo remarked in an interview with Monsters And Critics that, while anything is possible, he expects the manga to conclude around volume 30. Additionally, as Anime News Network reported, Okubo announced in the manga’s 23rd volume that the plot had reached its conclusion and that “Fire Force” would be his final effort. With 28 volumes issued thus far, there may be a minor delay in determining when the manga will conclude. As long as Season 3 comes out in late 2022, it’s possible. It’s more likely that the rest of the year will lead to an official announcement, and the season will probably come out in 2022.
Plot Of Fire Force Season 3:
The Season 2 finale of Fire Force was well received by the audience. After being attacked, the firefighters must come up with a strategy to defend their city from further destruction. Shinra and Arthur are now undergoing training under the supervision of Captain Benimaru. Shinra has now reached the “Press of Death” stage of his training regimen. By the conclusion of the season, viewers had seen complete mayhem. Tokyo is engulfed in flames, and foreign armies have invaded the city. By the conclusion of the season, the captain of Special Fire Force Company 1 had also passed away. Tokyo suffers as a result of this catastrophe.
Now that Fire Force Season 2 has begun, we’re thinking about Tokyo’s destruction. That isn’t sufficient satisfaction for him. They will need a group of highly trained firemen to assist him in taking out the intruders. According to reports, the forthcoming Fire Force season will likely focus on the redemption arc of Special Fire Force Company 8, which has been accused of being traitors for a lengthy period of time. Season 3 of Fire Force is set to premiere in the fall of 2018.
Cast Of Fire Force Season 3:
There has been no formal announcement on who will be working on the Fire Force Season 3 sets. However, the absence of any crew members has gone unnoticed by the producers. As a result, it is reasonable to assume that the majority of the characters will return in the third Fire Force. In the meanwhile, there has been speculation that Season 2 director Tatsuma Minamikawa may also oversee Season 3. He’ll also write for the project. In addition, Kenichiro Suehiro will compose the soundtrack for the anime.
The same goes for the show’s cast. Shinra Kusakabe will be played by Gakuto Kajiwara in the first episode. Kotatsu Tamaki is played by Aoi Yki, who returns to the role. The Joker will also be played by Kenjiro Tsuda. Finally, Saeko Kamijo and MAO are portrayed by Maki Oze and Iris, as well as other characters.
Trailer Of Fire Force Season 3:
While the second season of the show is now in its final stages, a trailer for the third season has yet to be released. To be sure, there are some fan-made trailers available for viewing right now, but there will not be an official new season trailer available until the third season has been renewed.
So there was all you needed to know about Fire Force season 3 release dates. As soon as we get any new information, we will make sure to update our post accordingly. Meanwhile, keep checking our website for updates, which will be posted here as soon as they are available.