How to Access Your Ford Online Pay Stub 


The Ford Company is one of the many retailers in the United States that offers its employees with numerous benefits along with an online employee portal to make things easier for them. One of the great things about this online portal is that you’re given the option to access not only your pay stubs, but your annual W-2 form as well—whether you’re an active or former employee. Thanks to this online access, you’ll be able to file your taxes easily through the Ford Online website.

Of course, there’s more to this online portal than meets the eye. As a Ford employee, you’ll be able to access a variety of services at any time of the day, along with guidance and assistance if needed. As for e-pay, this service works similarly to the physical paycheck that you receive as an employee. It essentially contains the same kind of payroll information, only this time, you can access it digitally.

Once you’ve already registered and your login credentials are ready to use in the online portal, you’ll no longer have to wait for your physical pay stubs, which you’ll receive via mail. As soon as it’s available on your account, you’ll be able to download your pay stub as well as the W-2 form.

Your current pay stub is usually already available a day before Ford deposits your pay into your bank account or pay card. It’s worth keeping in mind that the pay stubs will be accessible for only a month, while the form W-2 will be available for 5 years. Other than that, you can also update your direct deposit account if you have a new one. However, it’s already your responsibility to check with your bank to see if the money was successfully deposited into the new account and not the old one.

As you can see, the Ford Online portal is an incredibly handy service to have, and you should definitely make the most of it if you’re a Ford employee. If you need assistance accessing your account, below you’ll find an easy step-by-step guide on how to access the portal for your Ford Online pay stub.

Ford Online Paystub Login Guide

Whether you’re an hourly, salaried, or retired employee, you’ll be able to access the Ford online portal—as long as your credentials are valid, that is. In fact, Ford dealers and suppliers can access this service too. You have to go through a few steps first, however, before you are redirected to the pay stub login page.

  1. Open up your browser of choice, whether it be Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.
  2. Head over to the official Ford Online employee portal by typing in the search bar.
  3. From there, hover your mouse on the link that says “Inside Ford.” It’s the very first one on the menu list.
  4. Upon hovering, a drop-down list will show up. Click on the “U.S. Employees” option.
  5. You will be redirected to a page with another set of options. Click the link that says “Hourly Employee Site.”
  6. Then, click on the “U.S. Employees: Your Pay” link.
  7. You’ll be sent to another page, where the first thing you’ll see is a small blue banner that says “Your Paystub/W-2.” Click this banner to be redirected to the portal’s Login page.
  8. Choose which account you’re a part of. The two options given are “Dealer, Supplier, Other Login” and “Active Directory.”
  9. After choosing, simply enter your User ID and Password in order to sign in.

As you can see, it may be a somewhat lengthy process, but it’s quite easy and you shouldn’t encounter any issues clicking the necessary links to get where you need to go. After logging in, you’ll be able to access and view your pay stub information such as your wages, tax withholdings, deductions, etc.

Reset Password

Sometimes, it can’t be helped if or when you forget your login credentials. It’s a completely normal occurrence, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Besides, all hope isn’t lost—you can still retrieve your login information. You’ll need to undergo some verification first, though, in order to retrieve or reset your information. Here are the details you’ll need to submit:

  • Your last name;
  • Date of service (MM-YYYY); and
  • The last 4 digits of your SSN or SIN.

What About Benefits?

If you want to learn more about what your benefits are as a Ford employee, there’s a different website for that. At Myfordbenefit you’ll find everything you need to know about what’s available to you, whether you’re an active staff member or a retired one.


Accessing your pay stub and your W-2 form has never been easier, thanks to Ford Online. As an employee, you have access to so many features and services at the tip of your fingers. Explore the Ford Online portal to see what else the company has in store for you, and if you encounter any hurdles in logging in, refer back to this guide to help you.