
When is it safe and okay for you to give your toddler a pillow? As a parent, you will have to figure out the answer to that question since your child is probably not going to talk to you about it. You will realize that it is not much of a hassle though, so keep reading to find out how. You only need to know the right time to do that.

You may have debated with yourself whether it’s really necessary to introduce a pillow to the bedtime company of your little one or just let the child enjoy the adequate bed space. A pillow is not all about your child being comfortable – it has so much more to it. It is important to allow pillow use for your child when the time comes. Below are some of the ways that would guide you on the appropriate time to introduce one:

Consider the age of your child

It is recommended to introduce pillows to toddlers between one and a half and two years of age, so if your child is anywhere under that, it wouldn’t be a good idea. Two years is about the time when you can move your child from his crib to a more sizeable bed, which would be more comfortable with a pillow. For the first few months, your child is better off sleeping on a flat surface as recommended by many experts.

Check with the child’s doctor

No one can give you better advice on your child’s case than his or her pediatrician. The doctor would be of use in advising you on the safety practices that you need to uphold for your child. Also, the doctor has a good record of your toddler’s health, including allergies and all other issues that have an impact on your child’s sleep.

Get yourself informed

Many times you are not sure whether your child needs a pillow while sleeping or napping. Well, don’t just sit around and stare at the little one with your head full of thoughts! You could get started by loading your brain with info. There are many organizations on the internet that have good guidance on the safety considerations when giving your child a pillow. You only need to do your homework thoroughly.

Check for pillow signs

You should also consider checking for signs that indicate that your toddler is ready to have a kids pillow in his or her bed. In some cases, the child might actually ask for it but in some, you will have to look more keenly as a parent. For instance, if the child tosses and turns many times in his sleep, it may be because he does not have the adequate body and neck support. Try giving him a pillow and if he sleeps soundly, you’ve got it.

Does the child use stuffed animals and heaped blankets as his headrest? If yes, don’t get too confused with the cute scene- give him a pillow!


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