You need to open the chat window in order to whisper in Minecraft. Then you need to type the following command.
After typing /tell, you will get options. There you will select the person to whisper your message.
- Select @a if you want to whisper your message to all the players in the game.
- Select @e to communicate will all entities.
- Select @p for whispering your message to the closest player
- Choose @r for conveying message to random people and @s to message youself.
Your message will be whispered as like shown below. It contains your username, then comes the tag “whispers to you” and the last part is your message.
[Your username] whispers to you: [your message]
If the above commands are not working depending on the server or local game, you can also try /whisper or /msg command.
Don’t forget to mention the person next to this command to whisper only to the respective person.