She squats, she lunges and is the second most influential fitness Instagram star by Forbes. Jen Selter first gathered media attention for her debut at a young age on Instagram. As of 2019, she has over 12.8 million followers on Instagram.
If one were gauging admiration by the number of followers on social media, then Jen Selter is definitely the queen of fitspo. Having been named #2 on Forbes inaugural list of “Top Influencers” in the fitness category, the former front desk gym clerk has leveraged her world-renowned physique and love of fitness into a social media driven empire.
Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar, joins the belfie queen for an interesting chat about how she grew her Insta empire and how she wishes to take her brand to new heights in 2019!
Namita Nayyar:
Being a popular internet celebrity and a fitness model, you are known as a “belfie queen”, what motivated you towards fitness?
Jen Selter:
In high school I worked at the front desk of a gym, making protein shakes for the clients and watching their bodies transform. I decided to workout one day after work, and felt so good after training, both emotionally and physically. It’s like all my anxiety and worries disappeared. I loved that feeling and decided to make healthier changes to my diet and work on making some gains!
Namita Nayyar:
You also run the highly successful brand, JenstaBar. Share details about the idea, and what all went into the making of the brand? Also share what does it endorse? Where do you see it in the next 2 years?
Jen Selter:
I am so thrilled about JenstaBar! This all came to be after tasting several different bars and not loving them (they left a weird chalky taste in my mouth). I knew I had to go ahead and create my own. Creating this bar took lots of time (and taste testing) but I am so excited about the outcome and cannot wait for what’s to come with the brand. They come in three flavors: s’mores, chocolate, and peanut butter (for now – hint hint!).
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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Namita Nayyar:
Your fitness mission for 2019?
Jen Selter:
My fitness has remained the same for the past few years – to be the best version of myself! I always try to set and reach new goals, try new equipment/moves/classes and even exercise categories.At the moment, My mission to finish up 2019 is integrating mindful meditation and yoga into my daily routine. it’s important to train your mind the same way you train your body! The mind and body are so deeply connected.
Namita Nayyar:
How much do you enjoy being the exercise app Fitplan’s trainer? Why one must give it a try?
Jen Selter:
I started as a Fitplan trainer a few years ago and, to this day, it’s one of my accomplishments I am most proud of. I believe that following a program and staying consistent with your workout regiment is the key to achieving your fitness goals. Creating programs that are challenging and that have lead to real results is such a great feeling. The best part about fitplan is my FitFam private Facebook group for women.. We are over 30,000 members strong on facebook. It’s a private group where I speak to these amazing girls and give advice…but I’m not the only one teaching! The whole group is filled with the most amazing girls from all over the world who share advice, tips, recipes, struggles, ideas, and motivation. I am so thankful for them.
Namita Nayyar:
What does your first meal of the day look like? 5 foods to kick start the day?
Jen Selter:
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I usually start my mornings with a smoothie which I make myself with my BlendJet which is a portable blender. My shakes are blended with a mixture of fruits, nuts, oat milk, and coffee. Following my shake I will have eggs or oatmeal, I usually alternate. On the weekends I enjoy cooking protein pancakes which are delicious. I have recipes on my Instagram, blog, and YouTube.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you advocate opting for cheat meals once a week? Cheat meals that you can’t resist?
Jen Selter:
I’m all about moderation! I don’t believe in depriving yourself of the things you love most. For example, I LOVE dark chocolate. I don’t remember the last day I went a day without having it! But I don’t over indulge. I also LOVE my cheat meals, and have a cheat meal once a week.
Namita Nayyar:
Three components that are a key essential in a fitness regime? How can a working mom achieve baby fat loss?
Jen Selter:
Cardio, weight training, and proper nutrition. Studies have shown that breastfeeding leads to quicker weight loss after birth. I would say that its important to listen to your body after having a child, you just created a little human inside of you, which is a miracle! Make sure you get consent from your doctor before starting your workouts again as well. My biggest advice would be to fuel your body with the proper nutrition and stick to a workout program!
Namita Nayyar:
You have a big fan following, what motivates people to follow you?
Jen Selter:
I think I’ve always been loyal to my followers, across all my platforms, in what they like to see. I also have never promoted anything that I don’t believe in or use in my personal life. I try to teach my followers from my past experiences, give them tips and advice on how to deal with life stresses and “adulting” in general, and motivate them to be the best version of them selves.
Namita Nayyar:
Your favourite activewear brands are?
Jen Selter:
My favorite activewear brand right now is ALO Yoga!
Namita Nayyar:
Do you follow any skincare and hair care routine, after a sweaty workout?
Jen Selter:
After any sweaty workout, I always shower, wash my face, and if I have time, I try and do a moisturizing face mask!
Namita Nayyar:
After a long hard-working day, what do you look forward to? Stress-busting tips?
Jen Selter:
After a long day, I defiantly look forward to a great dinner and some time in bed reading with my dog Gram! Right now, I’m reading Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year: Demi Lovato. it’s full of so many amazing and inspiring quotes.
Namita Nayyar:
You have an incredible social media following on your account @jenselter, plus many other accounts that you manage. What is the best and worst part about it?
Jen Selter:
After sharing on my stories that I’ve suffered from anxiety, so many of my followers reached out with such a strong sense of support and advice. It made me realize that so many people are struggling with mental health disorders and no one really talks about it. So many people were saying “but your life seems so perfect.” That is just a social media facade. So I would say the best part is that I have this AMAZING community that I am so thankful for. The worst part is that sharing my personal life can be a bit intimidating. However, sharing this inner struggle with my followers has taught me so much.
Namita Nayyar:
5 things we’ll always find in your gym bag?
Jen Selter:
A Jenstabar, water bottle, Sparta Protein, my Blendjet, and lip balm!
Namita Nayyar:
You have created a brand for yourself. Give us 3 tips to become a successful name in the fitness empire.
Jen Selter:
Always remain true to your beliefs, work hard, and never give up no matter how many people try to put you down.
Namita Nayyar:
Without fitness in your life, what would you be?
Jen Selter:
I can’t imagine my life without fitness, I really am not sure where I would be!
Namita Nayyar:
Message for your 13 million followers on Instagram?
Jen Selter:
I am thankful for my followers every single day. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about how much I appreciate all the love and support the #selterfamily has. Scrolling through my social media pages everyday and reading and responding to you guys brings me so much joy. I love you and wouldn’t be where I am today without you, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.