Katy ISD Launches Pay N’ Go Tix


The Katy Independent School District is changing how spectators can purchase tickets to athletic events, and eventually, find arts events.

Using Pay N’ Go Tix, spectators will purchase electronic tickets online and in advance of district events. They will be able to purchase tickets by one of two options:

  • Using the district website. From the district website, click the A+ Pay N’ Go icon on the upper right-hand corner. Select the Pay N’ Go Tix logo. Choose your event category, the event, and then click “Book Now.”
  • Using the QR code. Scan a QR code found across district campuses and displayed on facility signage near the event entrance.

The district said in a news release that presently, only junior high and high school athletic events, except for varsity football, will be available for purchase through Pay N’ Go Tix.

The district said fine arts events will be integrated into the system in the spring. Varsity football tickets will be integrated into the system by next summer.

Meanwhile, varsity football and fine arts will continue to use their existing ticketing sales platforms until they are transitioned to Pay N’ Go Tix.

Athletic tickets will no longer be sold at events and must be purchased online with a credit card.