As a powerful essential oil, lavender and lemon come with therapeutic effects that can help you deal with a myriad of health conditions.
From nausea to anxiety, an essential oil in lavender and lemon can help you fight a lot of hardcore conditions. Lavender and lemon oils offer a plethora of therapeutic effects.
You can choose to use them alone or blend them together for a wonderfully fresh scent. So, why should you use essential oil? Why go for essential oil in lavender and lemon?
How powerful is this essential oil? These are common questions people ask. Does it have any side effects? This article has been prepared precisely to answer these questions. Keep reading!
Lavender oil is widely known for its numerous benefits for the mind as well as the body. Plus, it has a sweet, dry, as well as herbaceous-floral scent that’s both relaxing and peaceful. Lavender relieves anxiety-related symptoms by calming an overworked nervous system.
Diluting it to about 2-5% and then massaging it onto your skin can bring significant pain relief. Research shows that topically applying lavender is an incredible way to soothe discomfort.
And that the essential oil is being widely utilized in aromatherapy. The essential oil also promotes relaxation and treats anxiety, depression, fungal infections, eczema, allergies, menstrual cramps, insomnia, as well as nausea.
Being a multipurpose oil, lavender is believed to possess powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial, antidepressant, and antibacterial p]properties. Plus, it offers antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic, hypotensive, and detoxifying properties.
Possible Side Effects
Regardless of its wonderful benefits, lavender essential oil might sometimes cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in certain people.
If you experience a headache, vomiting, or nausea after applying it onto your skin, discontinue immediately. Don’t ingest lavender essential oil directly into the mouth. The fact is that it can be toxic. Instead, consider inhaling it.
Dosage & Preparation
The amount of lavender essential oil you take is dependent on your condition. Thus, there is no recommended or standard dosage.
The best way to consume lavender essential oil is to inhale it or mix it with oil before applying it to the pressure areas. According to research, the oil works by transmitting messages to your limbic system—a section that plays a key role in influencing the behavior of your nervous system.
According to aromatherapy, lavender oil can be combined with a carrier oil like jojoba. The blended solution is then applied to the skin.
This can help regulate your body’s motion. Also, you can add the lavender essential oil to your bath. Other people prefer using diffusers and vaporizers to take lavender essential oil.
The Bottom-Line
Essential oils are important in the human body—especially when it comes to regulating motion, improving nausea symptoms, and reducing anxiety.
However, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics before taking lavender essential oil. The above article contains all you should know regarding lavender essential oil—including dosage, possible side effects, and its benefits.