Mcgraw Ave Season 2
Mcgraw Ave Season 2

‘McGraw Ave’ is a crime comedy television series set in Detroit and centered around two individuals named Murda and Vic, attempting to seize control over the most notorious section of the city. In a place where simply existing is a major task, their desires lead them to strive for greater things.

On the other hand, the streets can be nasty, and nothing can be assured. The show, created by Derek Scott and premiered on Tubi TV in May 2020, has been renewed for a second season.

Despite its short run, the series has gained a devoted following, which has praised the series for its nail-biting storyline and fascinating plot twists.

Although the audience well received the cast and their performance, their opinions were split. The show is hosted by Murda Pain and features the voices of Forty Da Great, Sino Harris, Chamar Avery, Thomas L. Harris, Sylena Rai, and Nino Splashaholic as the main characters.

After all, is said and done, the show’s fans can’t get enough of the action and are anxious to learn what the future holds for them. So here’s what we’ve got to work with!

When will the second season of McGraw Avenue premiere?

The first season consisted of six episodes, lasting between 40 and 60 minutes in length, premiered on Tubi TV on May 31, 2020, and worldwide.

The first season left the audience wondering what would happen next, and after less than a year, Ucult Studios stated that the show would return for a second season, which was announced on their Instagram page on March 19, 2021.

However, the studio did not specify when the new season would be released; instead, it merely stated that it would be released shortly.

As a result, we will have to wait a little longer, as we are already in 2022, but no official release date has been announced at this time, as the debut date is also determined by the amount of time it takes to film the entire season.

Consequently, we can only anticipate that the new season will premiere in 2022, with an exact date still to be determined. Murda Pain’s Instagram post, which includes behind-the-scenes footage, is also worth checking out.

Is There a McGraw Avenue Season 2 Trailer Available?

It does not appear that a trailer for season 2 of this crime drama has been released, but you may watch the first season trailer.