“The Curse of Oak Island” season 6 episode 22 marks the conclusion of this installment and prior to its airing on April 30, the episode was anticipated as its synopsis stated that it will reveal Rick and Marty Lagina’s biggest find yet. The discovery is said to be “shocking” thus the viewers waited to see what the newest reveal will be.

However, it turned out that many of the viewers were disappointed and furious after “The Curse of Oak Island” season 6 episode 22 aired and this is because the finale titled “Lost and Founding” ended without showing what the program claimed to be their most significant discovery. Rather, the viewers said that they only watched the team talk in the war room throughout the show until it ended with the introduction of “The Curse of Civil War Gold,” a spinoff series.

“The worst season finale of a show ever. U lead us on for an hour of the usual crap in the war room and then switching gears to ur new show?! Seriously,” Jane Lawrence commented after watching the finale while Robert stated: “Must be an honest mistake to list it as a two-hour episode but then have it seamlessly move into a different show after 1 hour.”

“So you guys changed the season finale and forgotten to tell your viewers? You guys are really testing the loyalty of those who are hanging by a thread,” Zeni Tram also wrote on Twitter and adding the hashtags, #DoBetter and #CurseOfOakIsland.”

Then again, it appears that “Lost and Founding” is not really the end as there will still be “The Curse of Oak Island” season 6 episode 23, a special segment where the “big find” will actually be revealed. A teaser was also posted and two of the taglines reads: “It’s not over” and “Shocking new finding” thus, this may be the real finale episode where the greatest breakthrough is going to be unveiled.