The weather in this case is not always your friend. If you want to go parasailing when there are winds of over 10 or 15 miles per hour, you may be putting yourself at risk.

Unlike the feeling of hurtling toward the Earth at horrifying speeds that skydiving provokes in those who engage in it, parasailing offers people the opportunity to experience floating through the air. Users are tied to a boat and close enough to the water to survive a forced landing, should anything go wrong. The feeling it provides, the sense of discovery plus the unforgettable views, make people want to experience it again and again. Such a wonderful activity, nothing can go wrong. Or can it? Read on.

Here are the top three reasons why parasailing accidents happen:

Overly strong winds
The weather in this case is not always your friend. If you want to go parasailing when there are winds of over 10 or 15 miles per hour, you may be putting yourself at risk. A safe parasailing operation should not allow guests to go up under windy conditions which will only end up presenting a danger to users.

Old and worn safety harnesses
You can easily imagine how using a harness that is old and worn is a leading cause of parasailing accidents. A safety harness that does not function as it should, can result in an accident with the user falling to their death. Harnesses that are not properly maintained or replaced when old are a definite hazard for parasailing enthusiasts. Make sure that the equipment used to tie you when parasailing is in working order, looks new and well maintained before going up.

Towline failure
A weak towline that results in failure is the number one cause of parasailing accidents, ending in injuries, and even death. The National Transportation Safety Board has found that the bowline knot that is usually used reduces the strength of even a brand new rope by as much as 70 percent. If the wear and tear caused by elements such as the saltwater, the sun, wind gusts, and everyday use are added to the equation, the percentage rises even higher.

You are no expert, but before starting out you should ask questions regarding the towline. How it is stored, how often it is changed, and how the crew is trained to deal with it, are questions you should ask in order to make sure you are getting a safe and strong towline.

Other reasons for parasailing accidents
Although not occupying the first three spots for most dangerous elements in parasailing accidents, other items such as an inexperienced crew, also play a part. A crew that has not been well trained in the proper procedures is another element that poses danger by putting the lives of users and others around them in jeopardy.

Of course, people that do not follow crew members’ instructions as explained by the captain or the crew, are also responsible for parasailing accidents.

Injured in a parasailing accident? 
The right weather conditions, the right crew, the right instructions, and the right equipment, make parasailing a safe, fun, and exciting thing to do. However, when any of these elements are not properly maintained or followed, accidents can and do happen. If you have suffered an injury while parasailing, a lawyer with experience in parasailing accidents is just what you need to understand your legal options. Make an appointment today to get your case started, and don’t forget to seek medical attention for your injuries as well.