TweakDoor App–The New 3rd-Party AppStore


How to Download TweakDoor:

This really couldn’t be any easier; just open this post on your iPhone or iPad and go to the official TweakDoor site.

Follow the instructions on the screen, and TweakDoor will be installed on your device.

How to Use TweakDoor

Again, this is a simple process:

  1. Open TweakDoor on your device
  2. If you need to fix the Untrusted Developer error, open Settings > General > Profiles, find and tap the developer name and trust it
  3. In TweakDoor, tap the TweakDoor apps section and search for whatever app or game you want
  4. Tap Get and follow the in-app directions to install it.

What is TweakDoor?

One of the newest app, installers, TweakDoor, provides a decent choice of third-party apps and games, many with additional features. There are also some tweaks available, although they won’t work the same as with a jailbroken device.

Have a look at the features TweakDoor has:

App Features:

  • Free
  • User-friendly
  • No jailbreak needed
  • Loads of third-party apps and games
  • Updated regularly
  • Easy to recover from errors
  • Takes little in the way of device resources
  • And much more


There are several upsides to using TweakDoor:

  • No jailbreak is needed so anyone can use it
  • You don’t need to use your Apple ID to install it – Apple doesn’t know you are using it
  • You get a huge choice of third-party apps and games, all free
  • The configuration profile you install shares Apple’s privacy standards


There are the usual downsides too:

  • You don’t get the same experience you do with Cydia
  • Apple revokes the certificate frequently because it’s not an official app – us a VPN or an anti-revoke app to get around this

How to Delete TweakDoor

Deleting TweakDoor is simple, and there are two methods:

Method 1: Delete App Profile

  1. Launch iOS Settings and go to General
  2. Tap Profiles and look for the TweakDoor profile in the list
  3. Tap it, tap Delete App
  4. Close Settings, TweakDoor is deleted

Method 2: Deleting the App Icon

  1. Long-press on the TweakDoor icon on your home page
  2. When it goes into wiggle mode, tap the small cross at the top of the icon
  3. Tap Delete
  4. The app is removed from your device

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have the answers to the commonly asked TweakDoor questions:

Is it Safe to use TweakDoor?

Yes, it is. And it is legal to use too. TweakDoor has no malware, no viruses, no backdoors that can be used for malicious purposes, and we gave it thorough testing to check. And as you don’t need a jailbreak, you don’t break any security that Apple has in place.

Is it a Cydia Alternative?

Yes, but it isn’t a replacement. It doesn’t offer everything Cydia does, only what can work without the jailbreak mechanism. You do get plenty of choices, though.

Is it Compatible With My iOS Device?

TweakDoor works on all models of the iPhone and iPad.

How Do I Fix the White Screen/Greyed Icons?

This is one of the most common errors and is easy to fix – delete the TweakDoor profile from your device and reinstall it.

What about the Untrusted Developer Error?

Another easy one to fix, and a common error with unofficial content:

  1. Remember the name of the developer from the error message and open Settings
  2. Tap on General > Profiles and find the name in the list
  3. Tap on it and then tap Trust
  4. Now you can use the app without error

I Don’t Get an Install Option

Check that you don’t already have TweakDoor on your device. If you do, delete it and start again.

Why Should I Use TweakDoor?

Simply because of what it offers – tons of free apps and games, mostly modified, all free. Plus, you get some Cydia tweaks, too, and you don’t need to jailbreak to use it.

How is This Different from Emus4U?

It isn’t, not really. The developers of both apps have collaborated to ensure that, whichever app you use, you get the apps and tweaks you want – if you cant get one working on your iOS device, the other one will.

Can I Use it on Android>

Not at the moment. The developers have hinted that there may be Android compatibility in a future update, but, in the meantime, don’t click on anything that claims to be the TweakDoor APK – it isn’t and will more than likely be malware, spam, or something else nasty.

How Do I Find an App?

In two ways – TweakDoor offers a search facility, or you can just look through what’s on offer.

And Cydia Tweaks?

Find those the same way too – don’t expect to find everything you got in Cydia, though. Not all tweaks can work without a jailbreak, but you do get a good choice.

Does TweakDoor sound like an app installer you would use? It’s definitely worth a look, and it does have one of the widest choices of apps in any installer. Try it; see what you think and share this with your friends.