Where Do I Find the Clip Tray in an LG Android Phone?


LG Android phone users are finding difficulty in finding the clip tray, also known as clipboard, in their phone. They want to clear the clip tray or transfer things on it onto Facebook or some other social media apps to share things with their friends. You can easily access the contents you stored in the clip tray whenever and wherever you want. You can copy images or texts and keep them in the clip tray. Then, you can paste them whenever and wherever you want to. Below is how you can find the clip tray in an LG Android phone and transfer data onto Facebook.

Where Do I Find the Clip Tray in an LG Android Phone

Overwriting the Clip Tray

On LG Android phone, the clip tray is an area of memory or storage on which you can save small items. It can’t be directly accessed or opened as it is not an App but you can retrieve items saved onto it by long-pressing a blank area of a text field and then tapping paste. The problem with clip tray is that on some phones you can only save one item to the clip tray which is overwritten if a second item is saved to clip tray.

When you copy or cut anything, it goes to a special set aside area of RAM known as the clip tray. It is like any other part of RAM but any other App doesn’t use it. When you long-press on the screen and paste something, whatever is copied onto the clip tray gets pasted. You usually can’t clear the clip tray other than simply copying any small blank space to it. In this way, it will overwrite what was copied to it before to an empty space.

Clip Tray Options

Another method you could try to clear the clip tray is to long-press on any text field and then select ‘more options’ (three dots on the right). Then, select ‘clip tray’. In the options of clip tray, you’ll be able to select your copies and clear them.

If you want a more manageable clip tray, you can download the App Clipper – Clipboard Manager from the Google Playstore. The App doesn’t use the built-in clip tray of the phone, instead it keeps the data in its own space. It automatically saves everything you copy. You can later access your clip tray history and arrange your clippings the way you want to. Moreover, Clipper lets you copy, paste, view, edit and share the content copied to it. So, through the Clipper App you can easily share whatever you want to onto Facebook.

Copy Clip Tray Data to Facebook

To copy your clip tray data to Facebook or any other social media App, simply open the App and long-press on blank text space, where you want to paste from clip tray. Now, click on paste and whatever is copied on your clip tray will be pasted there. In this way you can easily share whatever you want to from your clip tray.